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    Professor Firouz Gaini is an anthropologist, writer and lecturer.


    Interest Areas

    • Young people
    • Island and coastal communities
    • Place and culture
    • Anthropology of time/futures
    • Family and Gender identities



    • The University of the Faroe Islands
    • Gaini Consult
  • Publications

    Academic publications

    New articles

    Gaini, F. (2024) Two Girls, Two Islands, Two Images: New Cinema in the Faroe Islands. In Aitken, S.C. & Rowlett, J. (eds.) Film Landscapes of Global Youth. Imagining Young Lives. London: Routledge

    Gaini, F. (2024) Nordatlantens Autopia. Tidsskriftet Antropologi vol.88

    Gaini, F. (2024) Beyond the Shadow of Adults - Youth, Adultism, and Human Rights in the Contemporary Faroe Islands. Social Sciences vol.13(2): 98

    Gaini, F. (2024) The Invisible Undercurrent. Migration and Belonging Among LGBT+ Minorities in the Faroe Islands. Tidsskrift for Kjønnsforskning 48 (1-2024)

    Gaini, F. (2024) 'At skynde sig langsomt'. Ungdomsliv, ventetid og pandemi. BARN - Forskning om barn og barndom i norden vol.42(1)

    Kjørholt, A.T., Devine, D., Spyrou, S., Bessell, S. & Gaini, F. (2023) Changing childhoods in coastal communities. Children's Geographies vol.21(1)

    Gaini, F. (2023) Island Youth in Waiting: Adolescence, Waithood, and Future-making in the Faroe Islands. In Isidório, M.S. (ed.) The Social Construction of Adolescence in Contemporaneity. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited

    Gaini, F. (2023) Men and manhood in the North Atlantic. In Gjestvang, A. Atlantic Cowboy [Photo Book] London: GOST Books

    Gaini, F. (2022) 'You Just Throw Yourself Into It': On Fatherhood and family in the Faroe Islands. Kritisk Etnografi vol.5(1)

    Gaini, F. (2022) Learning ftom the Coast. Youth, Family and Local Knowledge in the Faroe Islands. In Kjørholt, A.T., Bessell, S., Devine, D., Gaini, F. & Spyrou, S. (eds.) Valuing the Past, Sustaining the Future? Exploring Coastal Societies, Childhood(s) and Local Knowledge in Times of Global Transition. Mare Publication Series vol. 27. SpringerLink

    Kjørholt, A.T., Bessell, S., Devine, D., Gaini, F. & Spyrou, S. (2022) Exploring Coastal Societies and Knowledge in Transition Across generations. In Kjørholt, A.T., Bessell, S., Devine, D., Gaini, F. & Spyrou, S. (eds.) Valuing the Past, Sustaining the Future? Exploring Coastal Societies, Childhood(s) and Local Knowledge in Times of Global Transition. Mare Publication Series vol. 27. SpringerLink

    Gaini, F. (2022) Boat Spirits, sea monsters and seal women: Fishermen and aquatic dangers in the Faroe Islands. SHIMA vol.16(2)

    Gaini, F. (2022) Youth on the 'Bridge to All Nations'. Globalization, Chanpuruism and Everyday LIfe in Okinawa. Youth and Globalization vol.4(1)

    Gaini, F. & Sleire, K. (2022) The Wave Cannot Catch Me: Children, Place and Local Knowledge in the Faroe Islands. Children's Geographies

    Gaini, F. (2022) De unges stille oprør: Modstand, indflydelse og fremtid på Færøerne. Tidsskrift for Ungdomsforskning vol.3(1)


    Gaini, F. (2021) 'Island People Are Always Waiting'. Young people's everyday lives and future narratives in Okinawa. Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies vol.21(2)

    Gaini, F. (2021) Imellem venner og fremmede. Etnografisk forskning i små samfund i Norden. In Hovgaard, G. & Arnfjord, S. (eds.) Samfundsvidenskabelig praksis: Arktiske perspektiver. Nuuk: University of Greenland Press

    Gaini, F. (2021) Tænk på Kina som din bedstemor og Japan som din bedstefar: Unge, hverdagsliv og fremtidsdrømme på militærøen Okinawa. Jordens Folk vol.56

    Reigner, N., Hovgaard, G. and Gaini, F. (2021) Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Chinese Tourism - Sustainable Development in the Face of Otherneww, Growth, and Power. In Lee, Y-S. (ed.) Arctic Tourism, Asian Consumption. London: Routledge


    Gaini, F. (2020) ‘He understands me in a different way than others do’: Faroese Teenagers’ Narratives on Fatherhood, Masculinity, and Family Life. Suomen Antropologi vol.45(2)

    Greene, C., Singleton, B. and Gaini, F. (2020) Tradition Is Essential: Clashing Articulations of Sami Identity, Past and Present. In Lundmark, L., Carson, D.B. and Eimermann, M. (eds.) Dipping in to the North. Working and Traveling in Sparsely Populated Areas. London: Palgrave Macmillan

    Gaini, F. & Nielsen, H.P. (2020) Gender, Change and Continuity in Island Communities. In Gaini, F. & Nielsen, H.P. (eds.) Gender and Island Communities. New York & London: Routledge

    Gaini, F. (2020) Gender on the Rock. In Gaini, F. & Nielsen, H.P. (eds.) Gender and Island Communities. New York & London: Routledge

    Gaini, F. 2019. Jerusalem in the North. The Land and State of Israel from a Faroese Perspective. In Adams, J. & Heiss, C. (eds.) Antisemitism in the North - History and State of Research. Berlin: de Gruyter

    Gaini, F. 2019. The Future Images of Contemporary Oki Islands Youth. Asian Anthropology vol.18(1)

    Gaini, F. (2019) Young Kalaallit Men's Negotiation of Masculinity. Fróðskaparrit vol.65/66. Tórshavn: Faroe University Press

    Other articles

    Gaini, F. (2018) Altered Islands: Young Faroe Islanders' Future Images. Suomen Antropologi vol. 43(4)

    Lopez, J.A.C., Nordfjell, O.B., Gaini, F. and Heikkinen, M. (2018) Promising Nordic practices in gender equality promotion. Developing teacher education dialogue, practice, and policy cycles on-line. Policy Futures in Education vol.16(5)

    Gaini, F. (2017) 'Crack in the Ice': Marginalization of Young Men in Contemporary Urban Greenland. In Haywood, C. and Johansson, T. (eds.) Marginalized Masculinities. Contexts, Continuities and Change. New York: Routledge

    Gaini, F. (2017) Små steder, store drømme [Oki Islands]. Jordens Folk vol.52(1-2)

    Gaini, F. (2016) Contemporary Realities and Future Dreams of Oki Islands Youth. Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies vol.16(3)

    Gaini, F. (2015) Udstilling på hjul. Museale eksperimenter i Autopia. In Johansson, U.D. & Fibiger, T. (eds.) Etnografi på museum. Visioner og udfordringer for etnografiske museer i Norden. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press

    Gaini, F. (2015) Wherever I Drop Anchor: Faroese Teenagers' View on Home and Migration. Fróðskaparritvol.62. Tórshavn: Faroe University Press


    Kjørholt, A.T., Bessell, S., Devine, D., Gaini, F. & Spyrou, S. (eds.) (2022) Valuing the Past, Sustaining the Future? Exploring Coastal Societies, Childhood(s) and Local Knowledge in Times of Global Transition. Mare Publication Series vol. 27. SpringerLink

    Gaini, F. & Nielsen, H.P. (Eds.) (2020) Gender and Island Communities. London: Routledge

    Gaini, F. (2015) Atlantic Wayfarers. Essays on Young Faroe Islanders. Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic

    Gaini, F. (2013) Lessons of Islands. PLace and Identity in the Faroe Islands. Tórshavn: Faroe University Press

    Gaini, F. (ed.) (2011) Among the Islanders of the North: An Anthropology of the Faroe Islands. Tórshavn: Faroe University Press


    Gaini, F. (2023) Pápar og familjulív í Føroyum 2022. Kanning av gerandislívinum, virðunum og familjuviðurskiftunum hjá monnum í Føroyum. Torshavn: University of the Faroe Islands

    Hovgaard, G., Bærenholdt, J.O., Lebel, J., Bjørkan, M., Temesgen, A., Eythórsson, G.T., Thórgrimsdóttir, S., Bogadóttir, R., Gaini, F., Larsen, J.N., Ingimundarsson, J.H. (2022) Value Chains and Resilient Communities in the Nordic Atlantic: A report from the project Sustainable Value Chains in Nordic Coastal Communities (NorValue). Copoenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers

    Frøyland, K. et al. (2002) Inclusion of young people in school, work and society. A review of Nordic research literature. Oslo: Oslo Metropolitan University


  • Areas of Interest

    Areas of interest

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    Youth studies

    Professor Gaini has been working with youth research since the 1990s. He has been engaged in national and international research projects exploring the everyday lives of young people, youth cultures and lifestyles, cultural and gender identities, social and mental health, education and media consumption, and so on. His work has mainly been based on ethnographic and other qualitative methods.

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    Island studies

    Living in a small island community, the Faroe Islands of the Nordic Atlantic, the study of (small) islands and island cultures is one of the key themes in Professor Gaini's anthropological and interdisciplinary research. He is a member of different island studies research networks and affiliate editor of the Island Studies Journal. His fieldwork is from the Faroe Islands and other island communities aorund the globe.

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    Anthropology & ethnograhy

    Professor Gaini is an anthropologist, and his research is strongly anchored in the social anthropological/ethnographic field of science. He is teaching courses in anthropolology and ethnography at university. He is also engaged in innovative, critical and participatory ethnographic methods. He is continuously trying to use ethnographic methods in new ways in new contexts.

  • Contact

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    Tórshavn, Faroe Islands